Webinar Recap: Exploring HR Trends in 2023

As a business owner sprinting to keep pace with dramatic workplace transformation in recent years, it helps to know what changes are on the horizon. “Will 2023 bring more of the same or are there new areas of concern?” said Tiffany Guthrie, G&A Partners manager of Advanced HR Support, during our latest webinar, HR Trends Guide 2023.

For example, one of the most pressing issues facing business owners in 2023 is finding ways to boost flagging employee engagement. Guthrie polled webinar attendees for their thoughts on the root causes of the declining employee engagement trend and found that more than half believe that friction between employees and managers/leaders is to blame, followed by a lack of work/life balance (33%). “When searching for ways to improve employee engagement, a good place to start is to ask current employees what they want and need,” she said. “But you have to be prepared for their answers.”

Guthrie revealed five top HR trends identified by G&A’s team of experts that could potentially impact businesses in 2023 and shared real-life examples of how each has affected companies, employees, and, at times, customers:

  • Data Privacy: Why it’s essential to protect confidential information, augment cybersecurity measures and keep up with your state’s data privacy laws.
  • Employee Engagement: How implementing targeted strategies can boost employee engagement and quell the “quiet quitting” movement in your workplace.
  • The Hybrid Workplace Model: Why it’s crucial to determine the level of flexibility that works best for your business - and employees - and how to transition workplace flexibility from a stopgap measure to a sustainable model.
  • Compliance Challenges: How to guide your workforce and manage your business in a complex – and constantly changing - regulatory environment.
  • HR Outsourcing: How proactively engaging an expert HR partner can help you stay in compliance and free time to grow your business in 2023.

You can access the full webinar recording above and download the slides here. It has been pre-certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) for one hour of HR general recertification credit. To earn HRCI recertification credit, you must watch the video above in its entirety and follow the instructions to request your credit. Also, check out our guide, HR Trends in 2023: The Great Workplace Evolution , for more information about these five trends and recommended strategies and best practices you can implement to help your company grow and thrive this coming year.

If you have additional questions after viewing the presentation or need help tackling your HR needs, let’s talk soon. For other resources, go to G&A Partner’s website and submit questions to info@gnapartners.com.


G&A Partners is a leading professional employer organization that offers world-class HR services and a team of experts who can help you navigate employment issues and initiatives such as recruiting and retention. Please schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable business advisors to learn more.